Educational Material / Non Commercial
Map of Central American
Central America Natives (Physical
(Chile): Monte Verde is an archaeological site in southern
Chile, located near Puerto Montt, Southern Chile, which has been
dated to 14,800 years BP. This dating adds to the evidence showing
that the human settlement of the Americas pre-dates the Clovis
culture by roughly 1000 years.
South America Indians Map
Monte Verde by Tom Dillehay
(t�no) noun
Taino or Tai�nos are members of an Arawak
people of the Greater Antilles and the Bahamas. The language of
this people is also call Taino. Although most of the historians
sustain that Tainos people were exterminated by Spaniards by the
17th cent., Genetic studies in Puerto Rico document that a 60% of
the population have Taino's genes in their inheritance. Today in Borinquen (Puerto Rico) exist a Taino
reservation with natives from that area. There are also people who
claim to be Tainos in the Dominican Republic. These are the people
who welcomed Columbus in 1492. Maps:
Tainos in Bohio and
Christopher Columbus 1492.
Book: Christopher Columbus, The Four Voyages by J.M.
Cohen (1992 Edition)
- The word �Guacanagari� is mentioned 5 times vs. King and Queen of
Spain 91 times
- The word �Bohio� is mentioned 6 times vs. �Spain� 74 times.
- The words �Holy Faith� (Catholicism) is mentioned 11 times vs.
�gold� 83 times.
Central America Natives (Physical Map)
CASAS GRANDES: Casas Grandes is one
of the largest and most complex Mogollon culture sites in the
region. Settlement began after 1130 CE, and would see the larger
buildings developed into multi-storied dwellings after 1350 CE. The
community was abandoned approximately 1450 CE. Cases Grandes is
regarded as one of the most significant Mogollon archaeological
zones in the northwestern Mexico region, linking it to other sites
in Arizona and New Mexico in the United States, and exhibiting the
expanse of the Mogollon sphere of influence.
Southwest Ancient Map.
Satellite Picture (Paquime/Casas
Grandes) Paquime Reconstruction
The Chorotegas from Nicaragua, northern Costa Rica and
southern Honduras were an ancient civilization that developed high
skills in pottery and rock carving. The National Museum of Costa
Rica contains many artifacts of this ancient culture and it is
believed that Nicoya, an ancient Chorotega city was once very active
on international native commerce. This area on Central America was
a meeting point of various pre-columbian cultures. The museum
contains artifacts with a high Mayan and Aztec influences as other
artifact with high influences coming from the Incas and other
cultures from Per� and other places in South America.
Central America Cultures Map,
Central America Natives (Physical Map)
settled (1500 B.C.) on the Gulf coast of Mexico and soon developed
the first civilization in the western hemisphere. Temple cities and
huge stone sculpture date from 1200 B.C.. A rudimentary calendar and
writing system existed. Olmec religion, centering on a jaguar god,
and art forms influenced all later Meso-American cultures.
Philip Baird, 1998. Satellite
Picture (La Venta) Mesoamerica
Cultures Map
Mayas. 1
A member of a Mesoamerican Indian people inhabiting southeast
Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, whose civilization reached its height
around A.D. 300-900. The Maya are noted for their architecture and
city planning, their mathematics and calendar, and their
hieroglyphic writing system. b. A modern-day descendant of
this people.
Any of the Mayan languages, especially Quich� and Yucatec. There are
million of Mayan Indians in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras
and Costa Rica. Excellent
Philip Baird, 1998.
Chichen Itza,
Izapa, (James Q Jacob, 1999)
Satellite Picture (Palenque)
Excellent Satellite
Pictures by James Q Jacobs , 1999,
Mesoamerica Cultures Map
El Taj�n is a pre-Columbian archeological site in southern
Mexico and is one of the largest and most important cities of the
Classic era of Mesoamerica. A part of the Classic Veracruz culture,
El Taj�n flourished from 600 to 1200 C.E. and during this time
numerous temples, palaces, ballcourts, and pyramids were built. From
the time the city fell, in 1230, to 1785, no European seems to have
known of its existence, until a government inspector chanced upon
the Pyramid of the Niches.
Pictures. Satellite Picture,
Mesoamerica Cultures Map.
(Nahuatl, = master builders), was an indigenous civilization of
Mexico, probably with ancient links to the Mixtec and Zapotec. The
Toltec warrior aristocracy gained ascendancy in the valley of Mexico
after the fall (900) of Teotihuac�n, making their own capital at
Toll�n (Tula). Masters of architecture and the arts, they were
advanced workers of stone and smelters of metals, had a calendary
system, and are said to have discovered the intoxicant pulque. Their
religion, centering on the god Quetzalcoatl, incorporated human
sacrifice, sun worship, and a sacred ball game. The Toltec dominated
the Maya (11th�13th cent.) until nomadic Chichimec peoples destroyed
their empire, opening the way for the Aztec.
Philip Baird, 1998. Satellite
Picture (Tula)
Mesoamerica Cultures Map
was an ancient commercial and religious center, 30 mi (48 km) NE of
Mexico City, of an influential civilization that flourished between
A.D. 300 and 900. The largest and most impressive urban site of
ancient America, it is laid out in a grid and dominated by the
Pyramid of the Sun. Other notable buildings include the Pyramid of
the Moon and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl. The people of Teotihuac�n
brought sculpture, ceramics, the carving of stylized stone masks,
and mural painting to a high degree of refinement. Their designs
indicate a complex religious system. At its peak the city's
population was over 100,000.
Philip Baird, (C)1998.
Pictures. Teotihuacan, City of the Gods.
Satellite Picture,
Satellite Picture (Temple
of Quetzalcoatl) Temple of
Quetzalcoatl Replica, Temple of
Quetzalcoaltl Perspective on Size, Teotihuacan
Pictures, by
James Q Jacobs, 1999,
Mesoamerica Cultures Map
are indigenous people of SW Mexico who speak a language of the
Otomian stock. Important from ancient times, the Mixtec seem to have
had an advanced culture before the coming of the Toltec. They began
spreading southward about 900 and by the 14th cent. overshadowed
their rivals the Zapotec. Excelling in stonework and metalwork, wood
carving, and pottery decoration, the Mixtec strongly influenced
other Mexican. There are about 500,000 Mixtec-speaking people in
Mexico today.
Philip Baird, (C)1998. Satellite
Picture (Mitla)
Mesoamerica Cultures Map
Zapotecs are indigenous people of S Mexico whose language is
often placed in the Macro-Otomanguean division. They had no
traditions or migration legends, but believed themselves born
directly from rocks, trees, and jaguars. The early Zapotec were
agricultural city-dwellers whose religion involved ancestor worship
and a cult of the dead. A high civilization flourished some 2,000
years ago at their religious center at Mitla and city of Monte Alb�n.
Their arts, architecture, writing, mathematics, and calendar suggest
links with the Olmec, Maya, and Toltec. About 1300 the Mixtec took
their cities, but the Zapotec remained autonomous until the arrival
of the Spanish by allying with the Aztec. The Zapotec number
c.350,000; their culture blends native and Spanish elements.
Philip Baird, (C)1998. Satellite
Picture (Monte Alban)
Mesoamerica Cultures Map
Cempoala center was the first city visited by Cort�z and his party
on their expedition to the Aztec Empire. Cempoala was know as
Totonacapan in it was the home to perhaps as many as 100,000
residents. Cempoala was situated on a densely populated flood plain
southeast of el Taj�n and boasted such advance features as a highly
developed flood-control and irrigation systems. By the time of
Cort�z arrival, El Totonacapan had became a client state of the
Aztec Empire and eagerly made common cause with the Spanish
Mesoamerica Cultures Map
were indigenous people dominating central Mexico at the time of the
Spanish conquest (16th cent.), with a Nahuatlan language of the
Uto-Aztecan stock. Until the founding of their capital, Tenochtitl�n
(c.1325), the Aztec were a poor nomadic tribe in the valley of
Mexico. In the 15th cent. they became powerful, subjugating the
Huastec to the north and the Mixtec and Zapotec to the south, and
achieving a composite civilization based on a Toltec and
Mixteca-Puebla heritage. Engineering, architecture, art,
mathematics, astronomy, sculpture, weaving, metalwork, music, and
picture writing were highly developed; agriculture and trade
flourished. The nobility, priesthood, military, and merchant castes
predominated. War captives were sacrificed to the many Aztec gods,
including the god of war, Huitzilopochti. In 1519, when Cort�s
arrived, many subject peoples willingly joined the Spanish against
the Aztecs. Cort�s captured Montezuma, who was subsequently
murdered, and razed Tenochtitl�n.
Philip Baird, (C)1998. Map:
Cortes and the "Conquest" 1519.
Satellite Picture (Templo Mayor)
Satellite Picture (Xochimilco)
Satellite Picture (Plaza de
las Tres Culturas)
Mesoamerica Cultures Map.
The Aztec
population figure for indigenous peoples in the Americas before the
1492 voyage of Christopher Columbus has proven difficult to
establish in exact numbers. Scholars rely on archaeological data and
written records from settlers from the Old World. Most scholars
writing at the end of the 19th century estimated the pre-Columbian
population as low as 10 million; by the end of the 20th century most
scholars gravitate to a middle estimate of around 50 million, with
some historians arguing for 100 million or more. Contact with the
New World led to the European colonization of the Americas, in which
millions of immigrants from the Old World eventually settled the New
World. Hispaniola Indian Population
Decline, Mexico Indian Population
Axayacatl, also known as Xicotencatl the Younger (died 1521),
was a prince and warleader, probably with the title of
Tlacochcalcatl, of the pre-Columbian state of Tlaxcallan at the time
of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. He is known primarily as the
leader of the force that was dispatched from Tlaxcallan to intercept
the forces of Hern�n Cort�s and his Totonac allies as they entered
Tlaxcallan territory when going inland from the Veracruz coast.
Cuauht�moc also known as Cuauhtemotzin, Guatimozin or
Guatemoc; was the Mexica ruler (tlatoani) of Tenochtitlan from 1520
to 1521, making him the last Aztec Emperor. The name Cuāuhtemōc
means "one who has descended like an eagle", and is commonly
rendered in English as "Descending Eagle," as in the moment when an
eagle folds its wings and plummets down to strike its prey. This is
a name that implies aggressiveness and determination.
encomienda, the Spanish crown granted a person a specified number of
natives of a specific community, with the indigenous leaders in
charge of mobilizing the assessed tribute and labor. In turn,
encomenderos were to take responsibility for instruction in the
Christian faith, protection from warring tribes and pirates,
instruction in the Spanish language and development and maintenance
of infrastructure.
ZACATECA, 1586: Zacatecas is one of the richest states in
Mexico. One of the most important mines from the colonial period is
the El Eden mine. It began operations in 1586 in the Cerro de la
Bufa. It principally produced gold and silver with most of its
production occurring in the 17th and 18th centuries. Today, the
opening of this mine is within the city limits and was closed to
mining in 1960. It was reopened as a tourist attraction in 1975.
Satellite Picture (Cerro de la Bufa)
Cerro de la Bufa.
Colonial Mines Map
RVELLION 1601:An Indian leader named Perico initiated the
rebellion in late 1601. Using a mixture of Spanish and Indian
religious practices, he promised his followers that the Spanish
could be exterminated. The rebellion "was characterized by messianic
leadership and promises of millennial redemption during a period of
violent disruption and catastrophic demographic decline due to
disease." The rebellion aimed �to restore pre-Columbian social and
religious elements that had been destroyed by the Spanish conquest.
On November 16, 1616, a wagon train traveling to Mexico City
was attacked by the Tepehu�n just outside Santa Catarina de
Tepehuanes, a small village in the eastern foothills of the Sierra
Madre Occidental. Thus began what Jesuit historian Andr�s P�rez de
Ribas called the revolt "one of the greatest outbreaks of disorder,
upheaval, and destruction that had been seen in New Spain...since
the Conquest."
Before it was finished four years later, more than 200 Spaniards, 10
missionaries, an unknown number of Indians, Black slaves, and
mestizos allied with the Spanish, and perhaps 4,000 Tepehu�n died,
many of hunger and disease, with destruction to property valued as
much as a million pesos.
The Latin American Wars of Independence were the revolutions
that took place during the late 18th and early 19th centuries and
resulted in the creation of a number of independent countries in
Latin America. These revolutions followed the American and French
Revolutions, which had profound effects on the Spanish, Portuguese
and French colonies in the Americas. Haiti, a French slave colony,
was the first to follow the United States to independence, during
the Haitian Revolution, which lasted from 1791 to 1804. Thwarted in
his attempt to rebuild a French empire in North America, Napoleon
Bonaparte turned his armies to Europe, invading and occupying many
countries, including Spain and Portugal in 1808, started the Latin
American Revolutions.
REFORMS 1930-2001: Land
reform (also agrarian reform, though that can have a broader
meaning) involves the changing of laws, regulations or customs
regarding land ownership. Land reform may consist of a
government-initiated or government-backed property redistribution,
generally of agricultural land. Land reform can, therefore, refer to
transfer of ownership from the more powerful to the less powerful,
such as from a relatively small number of wealthy (or noble) owners
with extensive land holdings (e.g., plantations, large ranches, or
agribusiness plots) to individual ownership by those who work the
land. Such transfers of ownership may be with or without
compensation; compensation may vary from token amounts to the full
value of the land.
The Huichols
are a hearty and enduring people numbering about 18,000, most of
which live in the Jalisco and Nayarit, two rugged and mountainous
states in North Central Mexico. They are descendents of the Aztecs
and are related to their Uto-Aztecan speaking cousin, the Hopi of
Arizona. They are representatives of a pre-Columbian shamanic
tradition which is still functioning according to the ceremonies of
their remote past.
The Tarahumara Indians inhabit the Sierra Madre Mountains of
the State of Chihuahua in Northwest Mexico. Their territory centers
in the upper Rio Urique drainage, and covers approximately 5,000
square miles. Modern population estimates range between
Otom�, or H�a-h�u, people make up the fifth largest
indigenous ethnic group in Mexico. Otom� communities can be found
across Central Mexico from Michoac�n in the west to Veracruz in the
east. In prehispanic times, the center of Otom� culture was located
at Xilotepec in what is now the State of M�xico.

Originarios de America Excellent Spanish Site
Christopher Columbus (1492) *Biography
Vasco Nunez de Balboa (1513) *Biography
Hernan Cortez (1519-1521) *Biography
Alavaro Nunez Cabea de Vaca (1528-1536)
Hernando de Soto (1539-1543) *Biography
Fransisco de Coronado (1540-1542)
Juan de Onate (1598) *Biography
North America Spanish Exploration
Spanish Viceroyalties Maps
The Columbian Exchange
1503 (Haiti),
1511 (Cuba),
1520 (Dominican Republic),
1521 (Mexico),
1522 (Nicaragua),
1523 (Panama),
1523 (Guatemala),
1524 (El Salvador),
1534 (Ecuador),
1535 (Honduras), Lambare,
1536 (Paraguay),
1550 (Chile),
1560 (Venezuela),
Juan Calchaqui,
1560 (Argentina),
1561 (Costa Rica), Abayuba,
1573 (Uruguay),
1600 (Colombia), Camarao and Clarita,
1614 (Brazil),
Tupac Amaru
and Micaela Bastidas,
1780 (Peru),
Tupac Catari and
Bartolina Sisa,
1780 (Bolivia),
States American Indians
Apology Official Documents Written in North America:
- Canada Official Government Apology
to American Indians in 2004
- US Official Government Apology to
American Indians in 2009
- US Official Government Apology to
American Indians in 2010 (page 45)
From Miguel Leon�Portilla, ed., The Brohen Spears: The Aztec
Account of the Conquest of Mexico (Boston: Beacon Press, 1962),
pp. 64�66, 129�131.
1519 Hernan Cort�s sailed from Cuba, landed in Mexico and made his
way to the Aztec capital. Miguel Leon�Portilla, a Mexican
anthropologist, gathered accounts by the Aztecs, some of which were
written shortly after the conquest.
Speeches of Motecuhzoma and Cort�s
Motecuhzoma [Montezuma] had given necklaces to each one, Cort�s
asked him: "Are you Motecuhzoma? Are you the king? Is it true that
you are the king Motecuhzoma?"
And the king said: "Yes, I am Motecuhzoma." Then he stood up to
welcome Cort�s; he came forward, bowed his head low and addressed
him in these words: "Our lord, you are weary. The journey has tired
you, but now you have arrived on the earth. You have come to your
city, Mexico. You have come here to sit on your throne, to sit under
its canopy.
"The kings who have gone before, your representatives, guarded it
and preserved it for your coming. The kings Itzcoatl, Motecuhzoma
the Elder, Axayacatl, Tizoc and Ahuitzol ruled for you in the City
of Mexico. The people were protected by their swords and sheltered
by their shields.
"Do the kings know the destiny of those they left behind, their
posterity? If only they are watching! If only they can see what I
"No, it is not a dream. I am not walking in my sleep. I am not
seeing you in my dreams.... I have seen you at last! I have met you
face to face! I was in agony for five days, for ten days, with my
eyes fixed on the Region of the Mystery. And now you have come out
of the clouds and mists to sit on your throne again.
"This was foretold by the kings who governed your city, and now it
has taken place. You have come back to us; you have come down from
the sky. Rest now, and take possession of your royal houses. Welcome
to your land, my lords! "
When Motecuhzoma had finished, La Malinche translated his address
into Spanish so that the Captain could understand it. Cort�s replied
in his strange and savage tongue, speaking first to La Malinche:
"Tell Motecuhzoma that we are his friends. There is nothing to fear.
We have wanted to see him for a long time, and now we have seen his
face and heard his words. Tell him that we love him well and that
our hearts are contented."
Then he said to Motecuhzoma: "We have come to your house in Mexico
as friends. There is nothing to fear."
La Malinche translated this speech and the Spaniards grasped
Motecuhzoma's hands and patted his back to show their affection for
Massacre in
the Main Temple
During this
time, the people asked Motecuhzoma how they should celebrate their
god's fiesta. He said: "Dress him in all his finery, in all his
sacred ornaments."
During this same time, The Sun commanded that Motecuhzoma and
Itzcohuatzin, the military chief of Tlatelolco, be made prisoners.
The Spaniards hanged a chief from Acolhuacan named Nezahualquentzin.
They also murdered the king of Nauhtla, Cohualpopocatzin, by
wounding him with arrows and then burning him alive.
For this reason, our warriors were on guard at the Eagle Gate. The
sentries from Tenochtitlan stood at one side of the gate, and the
sentries from Tlatelolco at the other. But messengers came to tell
them to dress the figure of Huitzilopochtli. They left their posts
and went to dress him in his sacred finery: his ornaments and his
paper clothing.
When this had been done, the celebrants began to sing their songs.
That is how they celebrated the first day of the fiesta. On the
second day they began to sing again, but without warning they were
all put to death. The dancers and singers were completely unarmed.
They brought only their embroidered cloaks, their turquoises, their
lip plugs, their necklaces, their clusters of heron feathers, their
trinkets made of deer hooves. Those who played the drums, the old
men, had brought their gourds of snuff and their timbrels.
The Spaniards attacked the musicians first, slashing at their hands
and faces until they had killed all of them. The singers-and even
the spectators- were also killed. This slaughter in the Sacred Patio
went on for three hours. Then the Spaniards burst into the rooms of
the temple to kill the others: those who were carrying water, or
bringing fodder for the horses, or grinding meal, or sweeping, or
standing watch over this work.
The king Motecuhzoma, who was accompanied by Itzcohuatzin and by
those who had brought food for the Spaniards, protested: "Our lords,
that is enough! What are you doing? These people are not carrying
shields or macanas. Our lords, they are completely unarmed!"
The Sun had treacherously murdered our people on the twentieth day
after the captain left for the coast. We allowed the Captain to
return to the city in peace. But on the following day we attacked
him with all our might, and that was the beginning of the war
Source: From Miguel Leon�Portilla, ed., The Brohen Spears:
The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico (Boston: Beacon
Press, 1962), pp. 64�66, 129�131.
text is part of the
Modern History Sourcebook. The Sourcebook is a collection of
public domain and copy-permitted texts for introductory level
classes in modern European and World history.
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Sources: Most
of the sources in this page come from Wikipedia